Kids Are Welcome!

We love taking kids on our trips!  Every trip is life changing and has the potential to help young people form an international worldview that will carry through the rest of their lives.  We recommend that team members be eight years or older and kids under the age of sixteen should be accompanied by a parent or family member.  We ask our kids to fill out trip applications and references (just like the grown ups).  It's a great process as they prepare to serve overseas!

The children we serve are so overwhelmed and thrilled when our teams bring children.  Although they love spending time with visiting adults from North America, they especially enjoy spending time with other kids.  Love is truly an international language and children are able to connect, laugh and enjoy one another despite language barriers.  In the photo below, three kids on our July, 2012, team shared a Bible story and talked about their personal lives at a boys' orphanage.  As you can see in the photo, the Salvadoran kids were truly captivated and moved by the message of their North American friends.  In March, 2011, Jordan Ramsey (son of All Blessings Missions Director, Jenni Ramsey) served for the first time in El Salvador (just before his eighth birthday).  He was struck by the fact that although the kids had almost nothing, they were joyful and happy.  He still carries that life lesson with him, and speaks about it often.  "You don't need stuff to be happy" - Jordan Ramsey.

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